Saturday, 19 January 2019

Irish Indoor Rowing Championships 2019

Had my daughter Lilly with me as a coach for the day :) bless her she's only six but took it in her stride.

Nearly missed the start of the 1km as I was listening to the commentator as I glanced down I saw the "ROW" on the screen and didn't even have the handle in my hand!! So bent down and grabbed it and let fly - a little harder than I liked but it worked and I managed to control most of the rest of the race for the win.

The 2k was a lot more controlled from the start and I managed the race for the win, no heroics just ground through it.

Lastly the 500m and a similar story of control for the win.. Until the last half a dozen strokes when I was rowing through treacle, finished on a 1:28 but the average was 1:20.5 so win secured.

Met a huge amount of people, some old and some new and all delighted to take lilly under there wings which I'm so thankful for as she probably enjoyed the day more than I



Friday, 11 January 2019

60r20 70 am 4by2k r3 lunch

Actually enjoyed todays sessions, even when I went down at lunch to find someone using the erg.. Once he'd got of I asked if he'd finished, he said yes, I jumped on and we had a chat about drag :)

TLC for a model C

While the rowing is going not so well I will busy myself with a little project - some TLC for a model C

Monday, 7 January 2019

Some days it's tough.. 4by750 r30 am 20r20 ctc lunch

Trying to find some speed in this old unfit aching overweight body of mine. Unfortunately it's producing a far from ideal performance..

Friday, 4 January 2019

Tough day at the office 8by500 1:30r r30

Tough day at the office, unable to train over Xmas apart from the Xmas eve session I rowed two one hour HRR sessions in past two days. Do this morning to test myself with the 8by500 - it had me in the third rep. But I managed to get another session done at lunch - debating the ctc (20r20) or this I decided to face the devil down... Gawd I felt baaaad at the end.. 😂