So - 8by500's and to use it as training specifically (and as my legs are bookled) aimed at sub 1:31 which all went well apart from a false start on the 3rd - 6th and 8th rep lol still the actual strokes during the 500m's where sub 1:31 overall so happy I hit my training target - after all this is training for a race not a race in itself - well not this time :o)
False starts where because
3rd rep - picked up the handle and I must have slightly spun the flywheel for once it hit the go I and I took the first proper stroke it was showing a average of 3:10+ lol
6th rep - ergdata seemed to delay and got stuck on the countdown from 3sec it went to 0 without 2 or 1!
8th rep - picked handle up then dropped it and had to reach forward to grab it as the clock hit zero so I was over extended at the start - still I got the job done