Thursday, 23 April 2015

Blistering pace - my ruby slippers need to know who's boss BATLogic

Didn't get time to write this up yesterday - basically my heels where in a bad state from the new Nike Omada rowing shoes after Tueasday - I went a size bigger than what I am as I heard the shoes where narrow fitting - maybe that caused the issue - could just be "new shoe syndrome" though as I tend to get blisters every time I buy new shoes no matter what they are for (hmm maybe I have weak skin) on Wednesday I wasn't rowing anyway as had appoinments for my daughter which took up a few hours during the day. So yesterday even though my heels looked like this ....

 I wanted to erg got set up and took a few strokes - yep that's feckin hurting! So i went and raided the first aid and got some padded plaster things and put them on - they where enough to reduce the pain to where I could row. Set up a 5k race warm up and got through that then set up a 1k just to test the waters and to get a film of the BAT Logic in action - unfortunately I HD'd - just too tired - been a long week. The good news is that my heels are staying down which is the big reason for the BAT Logic for me :o)

The vide below is from Bristol in October 

I set up a 500m just to get a completed row and recorded that also - even struggled to finish that - reckong the "relaxing Spa weekend" wore me out!

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I assume the plate and shoes are legal to race in? If so, how easy does it come on and off the erg?
