Friday 1 September 2017

60r18 75% HRR and 2 by 1min 1r. Turning point

Today is a turning point, not because of a spectacular row or fail but because at 9:30pm this evening, with my dogs still to walk and unshowered after... painting front fence, painting the water butt housing, painting the side of a shed, cutting the front lawn, climbing up on the roof of our three storey house and painting the chimney shaft, generally tidying up back yard along with earlier in the day applying for a couple of jobs, speaking to a recruitment agent, dropping off and picking up my daughter for school on her second day and making sure my wife is OK... I went up to the erg shed to row for a hour at rate 18 with a 75% HRR cap..

Ie the drive to row is back :)

Now as it turned out, even though I was spattered quite liberally in paint, the row went very well. In fact the fastist pace of this particular row this come back.

Onwards and upwards

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